Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Sunday - 10:00pm

Greetings from Jerusalem!

We arrived here safely late afternoon yesterday after a great send-off from our Nazareth friends, and after a good day of touring from there to here. We went first to Haifa where we worshipped with Garry and Ruth Denlinger and their Messianic congregation, then to the place of Elijah having challenged the prophets of Baal, and then on to Caesaerea, and Joppa, where Peter had his life-changing vision, and where Jonah took a ship to Tarshish instead of Ninevah.

And then we came up to Jerualem and arrived about 6:30pm, had dinner and a short debriefing time together and then to comfortable beds in our new location, a hotel that is about three years old, and stands where "no-man's land" once was, then the border between Israel and Jordan.

This morning we worshipped in the Garden Tomb, and then went up the Mt of Olives, and walked down to the place remembering Jesus weeping over Jerusalem, Garden of Gethsamene, place of burial of the His mother Mary, and then came into the old city through Stephan's gate, and walked through the Moslem quarter and exited at Damascus Gate. It was in the high 80's today with brillant sunshine. Tonight Dale and Anita Thorne, good old friends of Martins from Nazareth, invited us to come and see the House of Prayer they are developing here in Jerusalem.

We are unable to give you photos from Jerusalem because we lack the USB cable to camera, so words will need to do. We have remembered all of you, our families and friends, on this special day, and trust that you too have celebrated Jesus today with us.

All are well, with the exception of one sore knee, and we are off early in the morning for a day of touring by bus Jericho, Masada, and the Dead Sea area with a guide.

Will try to post tomorrow night as well.

Nancy for all of us

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