Tuesday, March 18, 2008

March 18, 2008

Hello Friends,

Work continues to go well. Painting, plumbing and wiring are nearly completed on the nurses' dorm and, hopefully we can finish with a full day of work tomorrow. The hospital is planning a celebration party for us on Thursday.

We will try to download a picture of hospital construction for Midge.

Beilers are enjoying the comments from their family members.


Anonymous said...

Hey Grandpa,
you look super busy. I hope your having a great time!can't wait to see you again.
Love Brianna

afoderaro said...

It looks like you are making good progress! We are pretty well over our jet lag...which wasn't too bad at all. Glad to hear Chris is getting good use out of the paint clothing! You all remain in our thoughts and prayers. Blessings, Chip and Jan

Anonymous said...

Hi Daddy, Looks like you are putting your gifts to good use. We will especially miss having you home for Easter, but are glad you can celebrate there in Israel. Give Garry and Ruth our greetings when you see them Saturday. We miss you.
Love,Jewel and family