Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Wednesday, March 12..Work Project Update

Our primary job is to remodel the nurse's dorms. The electricians were in before us to install wiring, and so they had to chisel plaster, and now we are patching the channel grooves and holes.

A lot of sanding has been done on the the walls and woodwork. Tile is being installed above the sinks in each of the rooms. Painting of outside railings is happening currently.

Electricians are installing the wires in the conduits that were channeled in previously. All walls need to be painted as well as woodwork and trim. We are also covering each door with Formica. We are also installing all the plumbing for the water lines that were stubbed in up above the roof, because the solar water heaters are on the roof.

All windows are being newly screened, and new roller shutters installed. An additional project is the constructing of 20 wooden beds.

My personal assessment is that we are on target for this 2 week project. Great weather!

Elvin Weaver, Project Coordinator

PS from blog poster: Elvin's requirement is ice cream every evening after supper (which we have been getting just down the street from the hospital!)


Anonymous said...

Hi Elsie,
We enjoyed the pictures today.Laura and I are downstairs looking at the pictures.It that you in front of the beautiful purple tree facing away from us working? We believe it looks like you.We miss you and look forward to seeing you back.God bless you and keep you all safe Blessings Laura and Loretta

Anonymous said...

Hi Mom (Elsie)
Nice pic of you doing whatever you are doing...
Nice to see you got there safe and sound.
I love you!