Friday, March 14, 2008

Friday March 14, 2008

Enjoying another day here in Nazareth! The work party continues to make progress. Painting trim, and ceilings. Installing new shutters. Patching wall defects. We hope to start painting the walls on Monday. Posted pictures include several on people working as well as a group photo from our visit to Nazareth Village. Will be touring northern Israel tomorrow. Looking forward to the next week and a half in Israel.


NPI said...

Greetings to the Nazareth Work Party:

Your photo taken at the Village is great! You all look healthy and well fed (we hope). Work photos are good, too, although it really looks like dirty work.
We enjoyed (in the Village photo) seeing the new OR's going up. Our first view of them. Exciting.
From NPI office,
Midge, for Karen, too.

Anonymous said...

Hi mom and dad (Elsie and Newton),
Just a reminder that your special team of Angels is with you and helping you. I love you!