Monday, March 17, 2008

March 17

Hello every one
Daniel and Priscilla Fisher are doing fine.

Our group spent most of the time today painting which is now nearly finished and it is looking good. Much of the electrical work is nearly completed and Elvin informs us that tomorrow we will start on the plumbing.

During our evening meetings we have been reviewing the Biblical sites that we have visited. There are eight other volunteers (not from our group) that we are getting to know and we have invited them to join us in the evening. The four men (that do not have their wives here) have just left to get ice cream for the group. Wives, your husbands are longing for you but are
filling their needs by eating ice cream.

Chip and Jan, thanks for replying that you had a good trip. Chris is very glad for the painting clothes you gave to her.

Reported by Roy and Esther Wert

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