Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Tuesday, March 25th

Today we toured with our guide and bus driver. The day began with our trip to Bethlehem. We were able to support the local economy by purchasing gifts at a local cooperative. In conversation with the shop keeper we learned that he was a graduate of the Evangelical Boys School in Hebron that was supported for many years by MCC and operated by Aida and Ida Stoltzfus.

After Bethlehem we visited Yad Vashem, and then visited Ein Karem the home of Zachariah and Elizabeth and the place of Mary's visitation to Elizabeth. We returned to our hotel and had dinner with Ryan Lehman and Bassem Taba who shared about the current programs of MCC.

Tomorrow is our last day of being in Jerusalem and we will be walking inside the Old City of Jerusalem. We are all looking forward to returning home to our families and loved ones on Thursday.

Blessings to each of you,

Bob, for the group

1 comment:

NPI said...

Congratulations Bob & Nancy & the team & thanks for the great pictures! I will be printing some in our next monthly Newsletter to our team of 35 keenly preparing to travel to work in Nazareth next January. I hope you have left a bit of work for us to do! As a surgeon, it is so good to see the developing operating theatre - sorely needed for many years, and I look forward to inspecting it when we arrive in January - maybe there will be painting for us to do in that new floor!

Good to see the great work you all did in the Nurses' Home, which was painted by us on 2 previous occasions

God bless you all. For most this will have been a life-changing experience for you as it has been for the 279 people we have taken on 9 workparties in the past 20 years!