Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Our work project is really getting off the ground. Today we were able to accomplish more patch working and plastering of the walls, as well as sanding windows and doorways, and tiling above the counter tops. The ladies were kept busy sanding and painting the metal railing outside the Nurse's Dormitory. We are very grateful for beautiful weather. The sky is a beautiful blue today (it had recently been cloudy due to dust from the southern Negev Desert.) The temperatures have been in the 70's and low 80's...perfect weather. We have a beautiful huge red bud tree blooming right where we are working. It must be a very old tree, as it is a number of times larger than the red bud trees we have in Pa.
This past weekend we had some nice tours of Nazareth, the Nazareth Hospital, and the Sea of Galilee area. There is so much history here, it is hard to take it all in at times! You almost have to pinch yourself to believe that you are seeing and walking the same terrain that Jesus walked when He was here over 2000 years ago! Some of the highlights were the ruins of the large Roman city of Bet She'an, Capernaum, Mount of Beatitudes, Mount Tabor, Ein Harod, etc. etc. The Jezreel Valley is absolutely gorgeous, with all the beautiful, fertile farmland...it is a very deep green right now during the spring. Israel is behind on precipitation, so everyone is very concerned about the coming summer. It is amazing how diligent and adept they are at not wasting water. Their agricultural expertise and technology is very impressive!


NPI said...

How great for this first-hand news! In my mind, I'm there with all of you. Great to know the weather is warm and lovely, everyone is well, and are enjoying the hard work. I'll continue to check in and see what you're up to. Blessings for the week!

Sue Shirk

Anonymous said...

Hi Elsie and group,
Miss you very much.Hope you will soon be back.I am doing O.K. I am at the computer with Loretta and Pat looking at all the work you are all doing and reading the stories of how amazing it is over there.We know what you are talking about walking where Jesus walked.Glad to hear you are having warm weather.So are you walking or biking over there at all? We will continue to check in to see the progress each day.God Bless and we hope to hear from you soon. Laura,Pat,Loretta