Monday, March 10, 2008

Monday March 10

Having a wonderful day here in Nazareth, Israel. We moved this morning into our "flats" here on the grounds of the hospital. Enjoying wonderful weather. We started our work project, and it is going well. One member of the team indicated that we are off to a "running start". We have seen a number of historical sites here in the Nazareth area. Reading the Bible will never be the same for all of us. The passages come alive when you have actually seen the area where the events in Jesus's ministy took place. By the way, are all enjoying good health!

PS We have been having some computer "issues", that we have hopefully worked out. I hope you see more posting in the next number of days.


Susie Beiler said...

Hi MOM and DAD!!!
I love you ~Susie Beiler

Anonymous said...

Hello friends (Newton & Elsie)

I can only imagine what you might feel like when you walk the places our Lord walked! Hope your work is going well and that you are staying warm.
